🍁 Local collaborators

Irina Rish

Associate Professor of Computer Science at University of Montréal
Core Academic Member at Mila – Quebec AI Institute

Sebastien Jacquemont

Associate Professor of Genetics at University of Montréal
Researcher in Brain and Child Development at CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center
Medical Geneticist at CHU Sainte Justine

Sarah Lippé

Associate Professor of Psychology at University of Montreal
Deputy Head and Researcher in Brain and Child Development at CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center
Clinical neuropsychologist

Anne Gallagher

Associate Professor of Psychology at University of Montréal
Researcher in Brain and Child Development at CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center
Canada Research Chair in Child Neuropsychology and Brain Imaging

Patricia Conrod

Full Professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Addictology at Université de Montréal
Université de Montréal’s Dr. Julien/Marcelle and Jean Coutu Foundation Chair in Community Social Pediatrics

Baudouin Forgeot d'Arc

Child psychiatrist
Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Addictology at the Université de Montréal
Academic head of the Department of Psychiatry at the Sainte-Justine UHC research center
Regular researcher at the Sainte-Justine UHC research center
Associate member of the Department of Psychiatry and associate researcher at CIUSSS of Nord-de-l'île-de-Montréal

Danilo Bzdok

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at McGill University
Associate Academic Member at Mila - Quebec AI Institut

Michael Lifshitz 

Assistant Professor in Social and Transcultural Psychiatry at McGill University
Faculty Member in Anthropology at Stanford University

Maxwell Ramstead

CEO of the Nested Minds Network
Director of Research at the Spatial Web Foundation
Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University

Alexandre Lehmann

Assistant Professor at McGill University
Adjunct Professor at the Department of Psychology at University of Montréal
Principal Investigator at the Centre for Research on Brain Language and Music (CRBLM)
Full member at the International Laboratory for Brain, Music, and Sound Research (BRAMS)

🌎 International collaborators

Axel Constant

PhD student in the Philosophy of Biomedicine at the University of Sydney
🇦🇺 Sydney, Australia

Denis Engemann

Research Scientist and Principal Investigator at Parietal – INRIA Saclay
🇫🇷 Palaiseau, France

Elvis Dohmatob

Researcher at Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
🇫🇷 Paris, France

Jean-Arthur Micoulaud-Franchi

Senior Lecturer at the University of Bordeaux
Psychiatrist at CHU de Bordeaux
🇫🇷 Bordeaux, France

Christophe Gauld

Psychiatrist at CHU Grenoble Alpes
🇫🇷 Saint-Étienne, France

Leonhard Schilbach

Psychiatrist and head of the Department for General Psychiatry 2 at the LVR–Klinikum Düsseldorf
🇩🇪 Munich, Germany

Juha Lahnakoski

Postdoctoral researcher at Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine –– Julich Forschungszentrum
🇩🇪 Jülich, Germany

Dimitris Bolis

Postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry Munich
🇩🇪 Munich, Germany

Thomas Bourgeron

Professor of Human Genetics at University of Paris
Head of the Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions at the Institut Pasteur
🇫🇷 Paris, France

Richard Delorme

Head of the Centre of Excellence for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (InovAND)
Head of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department at the Robert Debré Hospital in Paris
Researcher at the Human Genetics and Cognitive Function Unit at the Pasteur Institute in Paris
🇫🇷 Paris, France

Jean-Pierre Changeux

Emeritus Professor of Neuroscience at the Institut Pasteur
Professor in the chair of Cellular Communications at the Collège de France
Honorary President of the Neuroscience Department at Institut Pasteur
🇫🇷 Paris, France

Aline Lefebvre

Child and adolescent psychiatrist at Hopital Robert Debré in Paris
🇫🇷 Paris, France

Clara Moreau

Postdoctoral researcher at Institut Pasteur in Paris
🇫🇷 Paris, France

Eva Loth

Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN), King's College London
Deputy Director of the AIMS-2-TRIALS consortium
🇬🇧 London, United Kingdom

Merle Fairhurst

Associate Professor of Biological Psychology at Universität der Bundeswehr München
🇩🇪 Munich, Germany

Pavel Goldstein

Head of Integrative Pain (iPain) lab at School of public Health, University of Haifa
Head of Biostatistics MPH track at School of public Health, University of Haifa
🇮🇱 Haifa, Israel

Alejandro Perez

Research Fellow (Marie Curie) at MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
🇬🇧 Cambridge, United Kingdom

Suzanne Dikker

Senior Research Scientist at New York University
🇺🇸 New York City, New York, United States

Sheraz Khan

Assistant Professor at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School
Assistant Professor at Harvard–MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology
🇺🇸 Boston, Massachusetts, United States

J.A. Scott Kelso

Professor of Complex Systems and Brain Sciences at Florida Atlantic University
Professor of Psychology, Biological Sciences and Biomedical Science at The University of Ulster
🇺🇸 Boca Raton, Florida, United States

Emmanuelle Tognoli

Research Professor of Complex Systems and Brain Sciences at Florida Atlantic University
🇺🇸 Boca Raton, Florida, United States

Mengsen Zhang

Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
🇺🇸 Palo Alto, California, United States

Ruth Feldman

Professor of Developmental Social Neuroscience at the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzlia and Yale Child Study Center
Director of the Center for Developmental Social Neuroscience, IDC Herzlia
Psychologist at IDC Herzlia
🇮🇱 Herzliya, Israel

Tom Froese

Assistant Professor of Cognitive Science at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
🇯🇵 Okinawa, Japan

Julien Laroche

Postdoctoral researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology (CTNSC - Center for Translational Neurophysiology of Speech and Communication)
🇮🇹 Genova, Italy

Ian Clark

Assistant Professor of Communication at Nagoya University
🇯🇵 Nagoya, Japan

Mario Chavez

Researcher at the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière, Paris
🇫🇷 Paris, France

Jacqueline Nadel

Psychologist specialized in the role of imitation in child development
Director of research emeritus at the CNRS
Director of the pedagogical programs of the TEDyBEAR Center for children with autism
Director of the review "Enfance"
🇫🇷 Nanterre, France